Clive Evans
Social Researcher
+44 (0)7801549730
11 Oldbarn Close, Calmore, Southampton, SO40 2SY
Date of Birth:
May 29th, 1958
University of Reading
Analysing statistical and academic research, provided an overview to the European Commission on the use of genetically modified crops and their benefit to farmers and society.
Personal Research
St Winfrid Church, Totton, has been investigating how to use its building, to the benefit of the local community. A questionnaire conducted on their behalf raised a number of issues which are being investigated further by myself.
Master of Philosophy Degree
School of Geography and Environmental Science - University of Reading
I examined the conflict between the UK Government policy of wanting to make the UK bus network accessible to all against the need by private bus companies to make a profit.
Masters Research (Human Geography) Degree
School of Geography and Environmental Science - University of Reading
In my dissertation I examined the issues facing Weymouth with respect to disability access for the Olympic Games sailing regatta, due in 2012.
Batchelor of Science Degree
Food Marketing and Business Economics - Department for Agriculture, University of Reading
My dissertation for this degree examined the price competition between food stores, especially with respect to the effects on the prices charged within the local convenience stores.

Microsoft ExCel - Advanced
Microsoft Word - Advanced
Power Point - Proficient
Statistical Analysis
Atlas ti qualitative analysis package
Accountancy - MAAT qualified
Statistical Analysis
I have expertise in the standard statistical analysis of data but I am able to use all forms of statistical analysis when required.
Social Research
I utilise the full interpretation of the Social Model of Disability, meaning that I take the perspective of a subject matter from the position of each core participant in order to identify the real issues at play.
I have been involved in accountancy for over 40 years and this enables me to understand the financial pressures being placed on social organisations.